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0 #1 Posted by VioleGrace (106 posts) - 4 years, 4 months ago Hello everyone :) Does anyone know for how much i should lvlup attunement in order to reach the ' Max ' amount of spells i have of each spell , for example , Soul Spear can go form 2 spell uses to 5 spell uses in each slot , i would like to know when i should cap it based on this Thanks =] Sterling Follow Forum Posts: 0 #7 Posted by SilverSaint (71 posts) - 4 years, 4 months ago Personally I would never go above 25 attunement, if even that high as a sorcerer.
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- 16 Apr 2016 09:09 I would think, because i chose a str build char, and my attunement is at 6, that I would find a ring that gives me a slot for a spell.so jedenfalls ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen :) wie ich das schwert bekomme müsst ihr nicht unbedingt schreiben aber wenn doch dann ists auch gut :) achja - basisschaden sollte ungefähr bei 3-400 liegen WENN es überhaupt geht mit einer waffe die nicht gleich so riesig ist .
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- 16 Jun 2016 01:27 An friend of me, with 66 att says that his FP will self regain at very slow time.Life Ring.
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