Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots

To use an autochanger for Backup storage management, you must first use the jb_config program to configure the auto changer and test the device driver software you installed. Follow the instructions in this section to configure and test the device driver software on a Backup server or storage node with an attached autochanger. For more detailed information, refer to the autochanger chapter in the Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide.

Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots

How To Configure the Autochanger:

  1. Become root on the Backup server.

  2. Enter the jb_config command.

  3. Backup displays a list of jukeboxes.

    When prompted, indicate which jukebox is to be installed.

  4. Continue to provide the appropriate responses when prompted by Backup.

    For step-by-step examples of how to configure a SCSI or SJI autochanger, refer to the Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide.

  5. When configuration is completed, Backup displays the following message:

    When you use the jb_config program to configure an autochanger, Backup creates a new resource with the name you specified. You can view the new resource in the Jukeboxes resource in the Backup administration program. Refer to the online help or the nsr_jukebox(5) man page for details on the attributes of the Jukeboxes resource.

Jan 11, 2013  Issues with Tape Changer in Bacula on FreeBSD I have an old Dell PowerVault 124T I use for home backups. It's a bit noisy, so I have it attached to an old APC master switch so I can turn it on when I want to do a backup. It doesn’t have to be PCIe as you can also go USB 3.0 to an external unit somewhere, but what if you want it as a card built-in and want to fill one of those 1x slots? So you could search for the PCIe 1x sound card that fits you best and jump on enhancing your sound.

How To Verify the Autochanger Connection

Bacula Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots

  1. Become root on the Backup server or storage node.

  2. Insert two volumes, one each into the first and last slots of the autochanger. Make sure that the drives are empty and that any drive doors are open.

  3. Enter the jbexercise command at the prompt and specify the control port and the device type.

    The control port for SCSI autochanger models is typically expressed in the format /dev/scsidev@n.n.n. You can obtain the exact control port pathname from the response displayed by the jb_config command script:

    For example, the following command runs the jbexercise program on the Quantum DLT/Digital DLT autochanger detected by the jb_config script

    See the appendix 'Command Line Reference' in the Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide or refer to the jbexercise(1m) man page for additional information on the command options available for the jbexercise command.

    Caution -

    After you install, configure, and test the autochanger, enter the enabler code for the Backup Autochanger Software Module according to the instructions on your enabler certificate. Be sure to register and authorize the Autochanger Software Module; otherwise, the software will disable itself 45 days after you enter the enabler. See 'Enabling and Registering Backup' for instructions.